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School Donated by Kingfa IndiaInaugurated

School Donated by Kingfa IndiaInaugurated


On March 20th, the local education department and Kingfa India donated a school which was officially inaugurated in Kharpudi Village, District Pune. The ceremony was attended by D Balaji, Executive Director of Kingfa India; Chen Xiaoqiong, Deputy Director of Finance; Nirnoy Sur, Secretary of the Board of Directors, as well as teachers and students of the school.

D Balaji delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of education in passing on knowledge and civilization, cultivating the younger generation, and creating a better life. Kingfa India places great importance on supporting youth education, actively promoting local community development, and fulfilling corporate social responsibility. This donation will significantly improve local education facilities and provide a conducive learning environment for children.

The school leaders and teachers expressed gratitude to Kingfa India for the company's donation. The donation will provide students with a safe and comfortable learning environment that stimulates their interest and potential, and promotes morality and community benefit.

After a brief welcome ceremony, executives from Kingfa India and officials from the education department inaugurated the school according to traditional customs. The scene was filled with applause and cheers.

The school, donated by Kingfa Indian, covers an area of over 2,000 square meters and includes five classrooms, a library, several toilets, and a special drinking water treatment system. It can accommodate approximately 200 students.







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